Please Register To Create Or Join A Team To Fundraise To Support Survivors, BARCC, And The Communities We Serve. The Next Step Starts With You. Take Action With Us!

How To Talk To Them About Why You’re Walking

We encourage “whole family” participation (including your canine companions! in the annual Virtual Walk for Change. Although the topic—ending sexual violence—is serious, our event is fun and festive.


We encourage everyone to come to the annual Virtual Walk for Change with an open-minded, nonjudgmental attitude. No matter where individuals stand on the issue of ending sexual violence, we want to create a safe, welcoming environment in which everyone can participate without judgment or ridicule. We believe the goal of this event, to create a world without sexual violence, is so important that it requires everyone’s support.


We want participants to be an active part of the event by engaging with each other, sharing their stories, and working together to spread the message. Participants are encouraged to be authentic and honest in their discussions and experiences. By sharing their truth, we create an environment of sincerity and respect for each other’s shared struggles. Encouraging participants to be authentic and honest in their discussions and sharing their stories can provide an excellent marketing platform for customers to get to know each other and build stronger relationships.


A key part of participation in our Virtual Walk for Change is active listening. As walkers make their way through the virtual world we create, they are being asked to listen to stories of those affected by sexual violence. By engaging in this act of listening, participants become more aware of the struggles that many face in their fight for justice and can better understand the importance of this mission. Furthermore, listening to stories of hope and healing can bring hope and peace to those facing similar issues.


Forming A Team For The Walk For Change

Hundreds of colleges, universities, companies, friends and families, and community groups join the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center’s Walk for Change every year.


Overcome Your Fear Of Asking

Asking for donations is something that makes most people nervous. So it’s normal to be a little anxious, especially if this is your first time fundraising. Here are some strategies for overcoming your fears.

Each year the Walk for Change route is decorated with inspirational signage to encourage walkers along the route. The signs are made by our dedicated supporters and Walk Committee members. You can host an Art for BARCC event at your school to recruit participants and create signage for your walkers to carry along the route.